Rabbi Laibl Wolf - The Seven Habits of De-stressed People



Beginning our first course in 2013 during February and March: "De-Stress - Desire the Life You Want"

Rabbi Laibl Wolf delivers a lecture on The Seven Habits of De-stressed People outlining spiritual and psychological strategies to overcome stress and worry.

Stop Pressing the 'Worry' Button and Really Live Life

Experience an 'extreme makeover' for calm, joy, and wellness. Learn how kavana mindfulness leads to a balanced and stress-free life for happiness and meaning.

"Spiritual teachings of Judaism have some very powerful tools to change the way we think and the way we feel. We all have the capacity to reinterpret our lives, especially through meditative approaches. The understanding of the mind and the emotions is probably more sophisticated in Jewish psycho-spiritual teachings than in much of western psychology." - Menachem Wolf, Spiritgrow Director


To view the YouTube presentation click here